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Andrew Rogers

48 Andrew Rogers.jpg

Andrew Rogers

Andrew Rozsa Rogers was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1909. He married Suzanne Orsova and in 1939 they came to Australia where their two children, Judy and Paul were born. They had seven grandchildren, two of them deaf.

As an early believer in the importance of organisations working together, he worked tirelessly to improve deaf people’s opportunities for education and access to services such as telecommunications and captioned television.  He served on the Deaf Society Board from 1967 until his death, where he promoted the need for continuing education for deaf school-leavers and adults.

Andrew Rogers died in 1977 at the age of 67. The training room at the Deaf Society premises was named in his honour, in memory of his concern for and dedication to improving the lives of deaf people, which he regarded as a primary responsibility of his life.



Deaf Society Newsbrief Autumn 2008

Personal information from Rogers family