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Marion Fairweather

Marion Fairweather

Marion Fairweather

Marion Fairweather (nee Howlett) was born deaf in Western Australia in 1930. She was adopted into a hearing family in Perth and attended the deaf school there. When she was 16 years old she met her future husband, Alan Fairweather Jnr whilst he was holidaying in Perth. They married in Perth in 1956. They made their home in Sydney where their two hearing children, Ingrid and Paul, were born.

Marion’s husband worked as a pattern and dress cutter and she as a wife and mother. Along with her husband, Marion devoted all her spare time to the Deaf Community. She worked at the Stanmore Deaf Centre kitchen where she was famous for her toasted sandwiches and cuppas which were served to many visitors and regulars at the Deaf Club. She also volunteered at Deafness Resources Australia during the 1990s and 2000s, assisting with the shop as well as packing books and equipment.

Marion Fairweather died in 2012 at the age of 81 only a few months before her husband’s death. She was a much loved and well known member of the Deaf Community.



‘Deaf Australian Story’ Part 1, Carol O’Reilly

NSW Deaf Herald Summer 2012/2013 Issue